Sunday, October 5, 2008

the Lost Weekend

OK, so we didn't do jack this weekend. But it's been awhile since we've posted, so an in-depth description of nothing is what you get!

On Saturday, we saw Mirenne's soccer game. Her team scored a goal in the last two minutes to win a close game!

Tallinn had another class in preparation for his black belt test. He's very excited! The test is October 25th.

On Sunday, we got DirecTV installed (bye-bye Comcast, and your sticky FF and REWIND!). The most notable thing about that would probably be the mud trail that the installer left on our carpet. Or the fact that we spent a few hours thinking we should move back to Comcast, because DirecTV HD didn't look so hot. But that was down to the rook move of installing the component video cord to the composite video connections, so we were rocking 480i in low-def goodness. After we figured that out, we're very happy with the picture quality.

Here's a picture of the kids from the first day of school.

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